Category: Brexit

UK-EU unequalled
UK Chancellor Rishi Sunak’s Mansion House speech yesterday delivered the final coup de grace headshot to any lingering hopes for EU-UK equivalence. “The UK has an abiding interest in a prosperous and productive Europe. We have deep shared values and a long history of cooperation. And we will strengthen those ties. At the same time, […]

FCA LIBOR powers in force
Today marks the entry into force of Section 2 of the UK Financial Services Act 2021 (FSA). The second of seven “Commencement” phases, the second is primarily notable for the application of the new FCA LIBOR powers, although it does contain a number of other provisions. A brief summary follows: Benchmarks (sections 8 to 21 […]

Temporary UK reprieve for EU UCITS
The PRA and FCA yesterday published a joint policy statement on margin requirements for non-centrally cleared derivatives, making amendments to Binding Technical Standard BTS 2016/2251. The amendments temporarily extend the period during which EEA UCITS are eligible collateral under the UK margin regime, until end-December 2022. “2.9 The PRA has given due regard to the […]

EU grants final extension for 3rd Country CCPs
The EC has today extended the third-country CCP transitional regime by one year until 28 June 2022. The transitional regime allows non-EU CCPs to benefit from the significantly lower capital charges applicable to “Qualifying” CCPs (essentially an EU-recognised CCP, 3rd country or EU), as long as they have applied for recognition. The following countries are […]

We just need to get you Tigger-ized
The UK Govt. Taskforce on Innovation, Growth and Regulatory Reform (TIGRR) published its report 16 June 2021. While it bears no formal relationship with the much beloved AA Milne, possibly later lamented Disney character, the acronym is obviously too tempting- “It’s a dangerous path I bounce… but I bounce it alone. Because the Hundred Acre […]

MiFID II- FCA cancels BestEx reporting and rationalises Research Rules
The FCA has issued proposals to partially reverse MiFID II research and best execution requirements. Consultation paper CP 21/9 follows the OJ publication of the EU’s MiFID “Quick Fix”, which went some way to addressing criticism of Research and BestEx rules; the FCA proposals go further, representing a further instance of UK-EU divergence. Best Execution […]

Mind the Gap- UK to ditch MiFID 2 STO
The Regulatory gap between the UK and the EU underwent some widening yesterday with the Chancellor’s indication that the UK will drop the share trading obligation (STO) and double volume cap (DVC). The somewhat stealthy announcement formed part of Rishi Sunak’s speech at the opening of UK FinTech Week. The short speech focussed on various […]

Brexit UK JMP Stay Protocol published
As expected, ISDA has yesterday opened the 2020 UK (PRA Rule) Jurisdictional Module Protocol (UK Module) for adherence. The new UK Module joins its stablemates as part of the ISDA Resolution Jurisdictional Modular Protocol, replacing the previous 3 May 2016 UK (PRA Rule) Module with a shiny, new Brexit-ed version. At the expiry of the […]

Last minute RTS to be rushed through
The just in time legislative supply chain seems to be still working in the EU. On 21 December, the Commission adopted the two Delegated Regulations amending EMIR Regulatory Technical Standards. The EC have published the RTS today: The Draft Revised Margin RTS (Margin RTS) The Draft Revised Clearing Obligation RTS (Clearing RTS) A quick refresh […]

UK EMIR- tomAto tomAHto
This year’s “transition” period has inevitably devolved into a slow game of “Chicken”- it’s yet to be seen whether it will result in a complete car crash. Whatever the extension/shadow deal/no deal final outcome; the City and financial services have been excluded from consideration. Absent any imminent prospect of equivalence decisions; ISDA has yesterday published […]