Category: FCA

Fallbacks Protocol Effective
The IBOR Fallbacks Protocol is legally effective as of today. Following a permanent IBOR cessation, or an FCA determination that a LIBOR has “become” non-representative, fallbacks in the form of adjusted risk-free rates will apply to in-scope derivatives contracts. Clearly, the Protocol only applies to those who have adhered- 11902 to date. Purely in terms […]

USD LIBOR joins the “on borrowed time” club
Following the administrator’s announcement on 18 November that it would consult on its intention to cease publication of all GBP, EUR, CHFand JPY LIBOR tenors on 31 December 2021; there was ill-founded speculation that USD LIBOR would somehow be reprieved. ICE Benchmark Administration (IBA) have today announced “will consult on its intention to cease the […]

ESMA confirms DTO to continue post-Brexit
ESMA has this morning released a public statement confirming that the EU Derivatives Trading Obligation (DTO) will continue to apply after Brexit transition. The DTO under Article 28 of MiFIR requires firms to transact certain derivatives (essentially the most liquid, standardised contracts) on an EU trading venue, or that of a third country already judged […]

CFTC confirms Libor Relief
At the request of the ARRC, the CFTC has today announced comprehensive relief to swap dealers and other market participants as they make the transition from swaps that reference LIBOR and other “Impaired Reference Rates” to those that reference alternative benchmarks. The relief comprises no-action letters from each of the Commission’s main divisions, broadly covering […]

Heads on the Block as LIBOR meets the SM&CR
The transition away from Libor On 19 November 2019, the FCA published a Q&A document regarding conduct risk during the transition away from LIBOR. As the FCA notes, the discontinuation of LIBOR will affect many firms, in terms of: developing and offering new products linked to risk-free rates; assessing and reducing their own and clients’ […]

Bailey’s freshest tips for the Brexit Break-Up
Earlier this week, the Chief Executive of the FCA, Andrew Bailey provided us with a recent update about the current state of affairs regarding Brexit. As is fast becoming the norm in Bailey’s Brexit updates, he opened his speech with the progress that has been made thus far; the Temporary Transitional Power regime; the signing […]

Who you gonna call? F-C-A
Parliament might be prorogued, and clarity on Brexit might still seem an unobtainable goal, but the FCA’s enthusiasm is far from waning. Keen to apply pressure on firms, the FCA is ramping up their efforts to help companies prepare for the impending 31 October deadline. In their recent press release, the FCA announced that they […]

The Volcker strip – making banking less regulated again
US regulators have disclosed the much awaited revision of the Volcker Rule that had been taken on by the Trump administration. Wall Street has undoubtedly received a huge win, but who is likely to bear the losses? The Volcker Rule was implemented after the financial crash to stop banks from engaging in proprietary trading (buying […]

Senior managers school report – ‘could do better’
The FCA’s recently published Stocktake Report reviewing the implementation of the Senior Managers and Certification Regime (SM&CR) is a polite criticism of senior managers and their superiors in the banking sector. The report consisted of interviews with trade associations, Banking Standards Board, FCA and the PRA to understand how SM&CR has been implemented since it […]

Thank FCAUK!!
On 23 January 2019, the FCA published Consultation Paper CP19/4*** “Optimising the Senior Managers & Certification Regime and feedback to DP16/4 – Overall responsibility and the legal function” (the “Consultation Paper”). The consultation period closes on 23 April 2019, with a Policy Statement slated for Q3 2019 and a ‘go live’ date for the new […]