ISDA opens window onto swaps landscape
ISDA has announced the launch of its SwapsInfo website. Its aim is to collate a range of publicly available data for IRS and CDS into one central resource. Data is currently sourced from the DTCC’s US repository, its UK-based Trade Information Warehouse and the OTC Derivatives Regulators’ Forum. It is anticipated that data on other asset classes and from other trade reporting venues will be included in the future. The site provides chart-based analysis of daily-weighted average prices and volumes as well as weekly notional outstandings and trade counts (sample screenshot here), and will include a Monthly Market Commentary. Users can download all data to perform their own analyses. While the site currently adds little value to DTCC’s own efforts in this regard, ISDA should be congratulated on the timely release of an attractive site which will grow to be of some utility to the wider market.
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