Are you prepared?
Join us to discuss ISDA’s long-awaited IBOR supplement and protocol release, its practical impacts and how you can quickly and easily integrate its requirements into your teams’ practice.
The recent announcement from ISDA – that the IBOR fallbacks supplement and protocol’s release date has been confirmed as October 23rd – is welcome news. However, the protocol is likely to lead to organisational and operation challenges for your business. Are you prepared for implementation?
Join us as we explore a brief overview of the current state of IBOR, before moving on to discuss the protocol itself and the challenges inherent in adapting the way you work to incorporate the protocol.

Sign up for our webinar today
The detail
> When: Tuesday, 03rd November
> Time: 3:30pm GMT
> Where: Online – register for your invitation
Amongst other topics, we plan to cover:
- IBOR in context
- Scope of IBOR
- The future of IBOR
- The regulator’s view
- The protocol:
- Timeline
- Mechanism
- Intricacies
- Adherence
- Implementation
- Q & A