Category: MiFID 2
We just need to get you Tigger-ized
The UK Govt. Taskforce on Innovation, Growth and Regulatory Reform (TIGRR) published its report 16 June 2021. While it bears no formal relationship with the much beloved AA Milne, possibly later lamented Disney character, the acronym is obviously too tempting- “It’s a dangerous path I bounce… but I bounce it alone. Because the Hundred Acre […]
MiFID II- FCA cancels BestEx reporting and rationalises Research Rules
The FCA has issued proposals to partially reverse MiFID II research and best execution requirements. Consultation paper CP 21/9 follows the OJ publication of the EU’s MiFID “Quick Fix”, which went some way to addressing criticism of Research and BestEx rules; the FCA proposals go further, representing a further instance of UK-EU divergence. Best Execution […]
Mind the Gap- UK to ditch MiFID 2 STO
The Regulatory gap between the UK and the EU underwent some widening yesterday with the Chancellor’s indication that the UK will drop the share trading obligation (STO) and double volume cap (DVC). The somewhat stealthy announcement formed part of Rishi Sunak’s speech at the opening of UK FinTech Week. The short speech focussed on various […]
MiFID II “Quick Fix”- too late, too little
26 February 2021, the long-awaited MiFID II “Quick” Fix Directive was published in the OJ. The Quick Fix is in response to the CV-19 epidemic and associated disruptions, it is not intended to replace the ongoing full MiFID II review. First proposed as part of the 24 July 2020 Capital Markets Recovery Package, the Quick […]
Bailey’s freshest tips for the Brexit Break-Up
Earlier this week, the Chief Executive of the FCA, Andrew Bailey provided us with a recent update about the current state of affairs regarding Brexit. As is fast becoming the norm in Bailey’s Brexit updates, he opened his speech with the progress that has been made thus far; the Temporary Transitional Power regime; the signing […]
MiFID 2 Inducements Q&A updated
Article 13 Inducements of the MiFID II Delegated Directive has created a wide diversity of reactions from puzzled head-scratching to fearful wailing from the equity analyst community. Readers will be aware that research must now be classified as paid-for and justified Research or essentially advertising that may be received for free. The Research to Marketing […]
MiFIR packaged trades all wrapped up
ESMA has published an opinion on the treatment of packaged trades under MiFIR’s Article 32 trading obligation. Article 28 mandates that derivatives subject to the trading obligation (TO) are traded regulated markets, OTFs, MTFs or third country equivalents. There has been widespread concern with regard to packaged trades, the elements of which are best traded […]
Yet another Brexit article – life cycle events
Although we are reluctant to contribute to the now well-established industry of Brexit crystal ball-gazing, there are a number of documentation issues in which there is at least enough certainty to formulate the questions; definitive answers will attend the daily twists and turns of politics. These issues include: the future status of trade lifecycle events, […]
MiFIR trading obligation Post-It
ESMA has published the official register for the Trading Obligation for derivatives under MiFIR. Although not quite in time for the commencement of the obligation, the register lays out: the derivatives classes subject to the obligation, the applicable trading venues, jurisdictions for which equivalence has been granted and the start dates for Categories 1-4. The register will […]
No LEI – No Problemo
ESMA has delivered a Christmas surprise in the shape of a six month forbearance period in respect of LEIs under MiFIR. Article 13(2) MiFIR prohibits an investment firm from transacting any reportable trade with a client, without first obtaining their LEI. The gift horse’s dentistry is not entirely flawless, the following condition must be met: […]